Life Transitions

Life Transitions is a term used to describe significant changes in life circumstances. Examples include: starting a new job, starting or finishing school, the loss of a loved one, the pandemic, turning 40, retiring, becoming a parent, or any number of milestones. While everyone experiences significant life transitions, they do not affect us all the same. All change, positive or negative, creates stress on our body and minds. We have to adapt to our new circumstances. There are a number of ways to make the process easier, and we can get through it.

It might be time to see a professional if you feel unable to manage a transition on your own, or it feels like you’ve tried all the usual techniques but the results just aren’t there.

How can therapy help with life transitions?

Talking to a therapist can help to get perspective, learn new coping skills, have accountability, and have support to use the transition time as an opportunity rather than viewing it as a threat.